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speaking topics

What Are You Thinking?

Have you ever heard the expression “You are what you think?”

Do you find yourself in a whirlwind of negative self-talk, constant self-doubt, or mom guilt? Did you know that dwelling on those thoughts actually slows you down and can have negative consequences to your overall health? As moms, we need to have healthy thoughts, coming from a sound mind, as we deal with the daily challenges of motherhood. Learn more as Brandy shares how to build yourself up and not tear yourself down, one thought at a time.


Do you know that you are worth it? Worth what exactly?

Worth love. Worth nurturing. Worth caring for. The truth is that you can only serve your family to the degree that you take care of yourself. Learn more as Brandy shares how she shifted from neglecting her needs to taking small, daily steps that refueled her mind, body, and spirit.


Did you know that, as a mom, your dreams, goals, and desires are important?

Too often, moms put their dreams on hold thinking that they are making this necessary sacrifice to help their families. What if the opposite is true? Putting your dreams on hold may actually be a hindrance to your family. Learn how to set your dreams in motion and experience how this can benefit both you and your family.